Kid Friendly Indoor Gardening Ideas

When kids are young, they learn best when they are able to get their hands dirty. You can also take getting their hands dirty as a literal term. There is more exciting for young kids than playing in the dirt, sand, and mud. When some people think of gardening, they picture lots of mess and the need for plenty of space. Luckily though, that isn’t actually a necessity.

Plants are one of the most accessible and enjoyable ways to begin learning science and how to care for living organisms. Allowing kids to get down and dirty provides many health benefits aside from engaging the mind. Gardening encourages all your sense to ignite and work together; it boosts moods and tends to give a person, young and old, a new outlook on life. Allowing them to radiate happiness.

There is nothing better than spending quality time with your family and getting in touch with the glorious blessings of nature. In this article, you will discover 5 fun indoor kid friendly gardening ideas to get down and dirty with your children.

Kid Friendly Gardening Ideas

Try these indoor gardening ideas with family to ignite your inner botanist.

Egg Carton Herbs

Egg carton herbs are fun to make and are also helpful in the kitchen to keep on hand. All you need to start is an egg carton and some paint or markers. Before you even begin planting the herbs, you must take time to create a masterpiece of the egg carton. Kids will love this part. Every egg indention in the carton can be a different color, theme, or pattern. Letting their imaginations flow will also allow a bit more patience when the time comes for planting.

Once the egg carton is decorated, it is time to begin planting. Choose your herbs wisely. It is recommended to pick ones you will use when cooking so your kids can see how much they helped even after the herbs are grown. Aside from the herbs, you will need potting mix and a small watering can. You can use a water bottle with a small hole in the top. Let the child fill the egg carton spots with soil and then insert the herb seeds slightly beneath the soil.

Herbs will come with little tags, and if they don’t help your child, create tags to insert into the soil with toothpicks. This will help you and them remember what they planted where. Next, after the herbs are planted and the labels in place, it is time to find a sunny spot to allow the seeds to germinate. Finally, water the herbs as soon as the egg carton is in the window to help start the growth process.

Paint Rocks

This may sound completely the opposite of gardening but think of a plant pot that didn’t need a touch of character. Take the kids outside and let them choose their rocks. After gathering rocks or stones, get your paint kits ready. Even though rocks are not living organisms, they still allow kids to get in touch with nature. Some kids enjoy decorating. Once the painting is complete and the stones are dry, let the kids strategically place the rocks around the soil of your indoor plants however they see fit.

Don’t worry if you do not have indoor plants needing rocky decor; kids can still enjoy painting rocks then hiding them around the yard. It is so much fun to watch children forget about their painted stones and find them at random times as they grow up. There is also a thing called a rock garden. To create a rock garden, grab an old pizza box, shoebox, or some type of wooden box. If using cardboard, cover the bottom of the box with a trash bag before filling it with soil. After the soil is in place, let the kids fill it with all of their painted creations.


If your kids have fish and enjoy watching aquariums, then a terrarium is an excellent option to add to your home. Terrarium kits are sold online, including everything you need to begin. Kits are typically the best route for children because it lets them take everything out of the package, see what’s in front of them, and allows kids to help you go step by step through the instructions.

If online terrarium kits do not interest you, you can make your own from scratch at home. Gathering the needed supplies and watching the terrarium come to life can be just as intriguing. You can use milk jugs, goldfish bowls, plant vases, or mason jars. All you need is soil, pebbles, the plant of choice, water, a watering can, and a light source. The light source can be artificial lighting or natural sunlight from a nearby window. Terrariums are supposed to be climate controlled and provide the optimal growing environment for plants. Due to that, it may be best to opt for at least a premade terrarium, if not the entire kit.

The cool thing about terrariums is that they are reusable, and some even have nightlights built-in. Nightlight features make them even more appealing to young children, especially if they have the perfect spot in their bedroom.

Eye Catching Planter

Allowing kids to attempt to grow their own plants can teach them about plant life and responsibility. Even so, it may be best to choose a reasonably resilient plant. Aloe Vera and Hoya Hearts are succulents that are particularly low maintenance and fun to watch grow. Before beginning the planting venture, you will need supplies. From your local home improvement store, gather potting mix, water, a watering can, gloves, plant of choice, and a small hand shovel.

Terracotta pots are excellent choices for succulents since they allow optimal draining for the desert-loving plants and are great for decorative flare. Allow your child to decorate the pot before adding the plant. Terracotta pots are super easy to paint, or color and the bare surface is perfect for allowing kids’ creativity to flow. Once you are ready to place the plant, let the kids scoop in the soil, bury the plants’ roots, and finally give it a good watering. Help your kids find a nice sunny location indoors for succulents to thrive and teach them that it is important to only water succulents when the soil is dry. Overwatering will cause your succulents to suffer and stunt growth.

Vegetable Gardens

Vegetables are nifty gardens to grow indoors. You can grow vegetables in hydroponic systems or multiple planters around the home. Hydroponic systems come in kits like terrariums but are a bit more advanced. With some adult help, children can start their hydroponic systems and watch them thrive. Small indoor hydroponic systems work best when growing peppers, tomatoes, chives, strawberries, blueberries, and cucumbers.

Allowing children to grow indoor vegetables will help encourage better eating habits as well. Many children get sucked into junk food and sweets, which can be a hard habit to curb. After growing the vegetables being able to eat them will appear like a reward for their hard work. You’ll be surprised how quickly their love for tomatoes, strawberries, and blueberries blossom.

In Essence

Introducing young kids to gardening is an unforgettable bonding experience. Gardening can begin as small indoor ventures then move on to more significant explorations outdoors. You can always start with painting rocks and then work your way up to letting your kid be responsible for their own plant.


Terrariums are a plant’s personal ecosystem. When letting a kid create their own, picking a plant is an intricate detail they must decide. Some best plants for kid terrariums are baby tears, Mondo grass, lucky Bamboo, ferns, Hayworthia, Dracaena, and Oxalis Triangularis.

For beginners, the best vegetables are mint, basil, rosemary, tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, chives, strawberries, blueberries, kale, and lettuce.

A plant’s pot needs to fit the pot and the persons’ design tastes. Egg cartons are ideal for herbs, hydroponic systems are great for vegetables, and if using normal plants or flowers, then terracotta pots are a safe bet. Be careful though, terracotta pots are easily breakable, so if your child is very young, they may do better with a plastic pot and decorating it with stickers.

Kids are going to forget about the plant because they are still developing and learning. Choosing a low-maintenance plant is necessary to set them up for success. Vegetables, herbs, and succulents are all great for beginners.

All children are going to have different attention spans and abilities. It is necessary to navigate your kid’s personalities to decide what gardening idea is best for them. Most young kids, though, enjoy simple things such as painting rocks or egg carton herb gardens.

Published at Mon, 10 Jan 2022 07:28:38 -0800

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