Indoor Trees – Everything You Need to Know

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Sitting under a tree or just next to it can be therapeutic; now, imagine bringing that feeling home with indoor trees. Sometimes you love nature enough that you want to bring it right inside your home! Tiny plants just aren’t enough to satisfy your hunger. You want rich foliage in all its glorious size and life to fill up your living space; you like trees. Yet, it’s not Christmas, and maybe the famous fir tree is not what you have in mind for any number of reasons. There are so many kinds of indoor trees to choose from you are sure to find the perfect fit.

What Are Indoor Trees?

Growing indoor trees comes with many benefits, including air purification and easing psychological stress while caring for them. It is possible to grow trees right underneath your roof like any other house plant.

However, most often than not, they will not grow to be the same size as when grown outside. Indoor trees are also harder to grow compared to houseplants. If you are aware of the specific care requirements of your indoor trees, and you make your choice of indoor trees according to the care requirements you can fulfill, you can expect to have your thriving indoor tree or, if possible indoor forest.

Types Of Indoor Trees

Like outdoor trees have different classifications according to seasons, hardwoods and softwoods, tree ferns, palms, and desert trees forms of agaves, aloes, cactuses, and yuccas, indoors trees have their different types according to their specific water, humidity, light, and soil needs.

Indoor Trees Based on Their Water Needs

Most indoor trees do not need a lot of water. A common assumption and mistake people make is overwatering their trees. It is important to note the water needs of different indoor trees for their optimal growth and health. No one wants to have a tree die on them.

Rubber Tree

The rubber tree is not very thirsty and is easy to grow, only needing to be watered every 1-2 weeks, with the soil allowed to dry out between watering. The rubber tree with its glossy green leaves is a great starter plant for anyone wishing to get an indoor tree.

Fiddle Leaf Tree

The fiddle leaf tree’s water requirements vary according to its size. For the fiddle leaf tree less than 2 feet from the soil to its topmost leaf, 1 cup each week will suffice. For the fiddle leaf tree more than 2 feet tall, use 2 cups of water weekly. Fiddle leaf trees between 3 and 6 feet tall should be watered with 3 cups of water weekly. The fiddle leaf tree is currently the most popular for its design; it looks great with any interior design scheme.

Money Tree

Money trees can grow between 6 to 8 feet tall and do not require water regularly. Two to three times a month is usually optimal – once every one or two weeks.

Dragon Tree

Dragon trees require regular misting of their leaves, but they are watered only when their topsoil is dry, typically once weekly. If the leaves drop or their tips become brown, it means you’re overwatering. The yellowing of dragon tree leaves usually tells the need to give them more water. If the leaves turn dark brown with yellow edges, the water quality used to water them is probably poor; do not use tap water for dragon trees because of the fluoride content that can kill the tree.

Weeping Figs

Weeping figs only want to be watered when the top layer of soil is dry; check the first few inches beneath the soil to determine this. As with most house plants, cold drafts, dry heat, and sudden temperature changes should be avoided. Weeping figs can grow upwards of 10 feet indoors and up to 50 feet outdoors.

Other indoor trees that don’t require a lot of water include the Parlor palm, the Umbrella tree, Norfolk Island Pine, and the Lady Palm.

Indoor Trees Based on Their Light Needs

Trees transform the solar energy they get into the energy they need to survive and grow. Since they are grown inside a home, it is common to worry about if the tree’s sunlight needs are being met. Indoor trees that don’t require a lot of sunlight, or indoor trees that require indirect sunlight, are called low-light trees.

Typically, if an indoor tree’s leaves look dark and gangly, they are probably not getting enough sunlight. If the leaves on an indoor tree get pale and shrink, they are probably receiving too much sunlight. Low light trees must be exposed to sunlight every day but usually not direct sunlight. Low-light indoor trees need to be placed a few inches to a few feet away from the window. Filter out direct light by hanging a sheer curtain. Despite being low-light indoor trees, do not deprive your indoor trees of light completely. Whenever possible, allow some sunlight in to give your indoor trees the nourishment they need

Rubber Trees

Rubber trees like a lot of sunlight, but not direct sunlight. A sunny corner or spot shielded by a sheer curtain is usually ideal. If the leaves on a rubber tree become floppy and lose their luster, it usually means the rubber tree needs more sunlight.

Fiddle Leaf Trees

Fiddle leaf trees are different from the majority of the other indoor trees, which are primarily low light. The fiddle leaf tree requires direct sunlight. The ideal spot for them would be an unshaded, unobstructed, eastern, western, or southern window where they can receive natural morning or afternoon light. Fiddle leaf trees can often tolerate up to 5 hours of direct sunlight daily. Nothing needs to obstruct the light.

Weeping Fig

The weeping fig tree is often grown in slightly shady areas, but it needs a lot of indirect sunlight to grow. The weeping fig tree can tolerate a lot of direct morning light, but too much direct sunlight can cause the weeping fig tree’s leaves to burn.

Money Tree

Money trees grow well in the partial shade of other trees. It requires bright but indirect sunlight. The money tree leaves will get scorched if exposed to direct sunlight. Rotating every few days to allow equal light distribution to all the leaves and help prevent burning. Artificial light can be used for money trees if natural light is unavailable. However, a common problem with artificial lights is their low intensity.

When growing indoor trees, lighting is essential. If, for example, you live in an apartment with lots of obstructions on the sides of the building or access to little or no good sunlight for your indoor trees, try using light bulbs or grow lights for the needed boost. 

LED is the most common bulb type for indoor greeneries because they produce very little heat to brightness ratio, and several LEDs have different light intensities in one bulb. Fluorescent and incandescent bulbs are okay for medium to low-light plants, respectively.

Indoor Trees Based on Soil Needs

Potting soil used for indoor trees is important; you can’t use outside soil because it won’t retain moisture for too long. Use a well-balanced potting mix created for indoor trees. They are formulated to help increase moisture retention and have fertilizer mixed in to assist optimal plant growth.

How To Care for Indoor Trees?

Indoor trees can bring you years of beauty and luscious growth, but necessary care steps must be taken to ensure such:

● Use a pot with drainage holes to prevent water backlog and subsequent overwatering problems.

● Choose a tree that is nontoxic to pets if you have pets.

● Use soil formulated for indoor trees to ensure growth and proper drainage.

● Change the size of your pot at the different stages of your tree’s development. Plant roots need a little extra space to continue growing. If your tree roots are too cramped, growth could come to a halt.

● Check for pests regularly.

● Do not move your plant too often.

● Change the soil a few times yearly. You must change soil at least once yearly, preferably before the more dormant season of fall and winter.

● Use fertilizer to supply nutrients according to the needs of each type of indoor tree.

● Maintain the soil pH for each indoor tree. Investing in a pH meter can help this process.

● You may need a ladder to access the top foliage for misting and pest monitoring if you have a large tree.


Indoor trees, without much effort, will become the focal point of any space and create a private oasis. Indoor trees are a great way to add character to any room or take up dead space that needs to be filled. Using trees to fill dead wall space adds beauty and provides many health benefits, making it the superior choice to a random furniture piece.


Sometimes replanting an indoor tree outside is necessary. If you purchase and start growing a tree from a small plant, it can take years to become large enough to require being transplanted outdoors. While indoor trees do not usually grow as large as outdoor trees, they can still get to the point of being too large for your space. You can always replant an indoor tree outside; just be sure to do so during the warmer times of the year to allow it plenty of time to adjust before winter.

If your indoor conditions do not allow optimal natural light conditions, artificial lighting is an option. Large hanging grow lights are best to assist with the tall, oversized nature of trees.

Some of the more popular indoor tree types are fiddle leaf trees, rubber trees, money trees, weeping figs, dragon trees, and bonsai trees.

Indoor trees are similar to any other indoor plant. They are always going to require specific care to thrive. Most trees need soil formulated especially for them, bright indirect light, and regular, thorough watering. 

Yes, adding indoor trees is entirely realistic. There are tree varieties that work well indoors, and they do not grow 20 ft into the air, making them unmanageable. Trees are a plant preference among many people who would rather care for one large plant than multiple small plants.

Published at Mon, 13 Dec 2021 06:16:52 -0800

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