Must-Have Indoor Gardening Tools and How to Use Them

To properly take care of a plant inside your home takes more than just leaving it near sunlight and watering it now and again. Indoor plants require a certain level of time and attention, and some could argue they need more attention than plants outside the house. But to tend to indoor plants, you need specialized indoor gardening tools.

Gardening tools for your indoor foliage will help to make life a lot simpler and allow the plant an opportunity to grow to its greatest potential. Indoor gardening tools are a necessity, and in this article, you will learn about the 10 tools you must have on hand to help tend to your houseplants.

Indoor Gardening Tools to Keep Nearby

indoor gardening tools
composition of garden tools

When choosing to bring life from the outdoors to your indoor space, it is a must to ensure you have everything needed to get started on the right foot. Of course, random things can arise, and you may need some extra assistance occasionally, but here are the 10 essential tools to keep in your home to get started on the right foot.

Indoor Watering Can

waterning can

On the outside of the house, it would be common sense to use a hose when watering your garden, but it’s a different story when tending to houseplants. An indoor watering can is a good alternative. It’s preferable to have a small can for convenience since there is typically no need to lug around a giant gallon jug. Simply take the can to each plant, lean it over slightly above the plant and let a steady stream of water flow out of the steam head. The smaller size can will help avoid potential overwatering conundrums. Having this bite-size can will help ensure that your plants stay blooming for years to come.

Indoor plants will require a thorough soak and allow time to drain appropriately from time to time. During these instances, rather than using a watering can, it may be ideal to relocate the plants outside for the day if the weather is nice or use your bathroom shower.

Grow Lights as Indoor Gardening Tools

Depending on the area chosen for your indoor greenery, you could be in line to see dramatic temperature change and less sunlight. Even indoor plants need sunlight and modest temperatures, so an indoor gardening tool that can offset this drastic change is a grow light.

During the winter months or whenever your community receives less sunlight exposure, take the plant and place it under a grow light. Grow lights stay at a reasonable temperature and provide the plant with not only adequate light but, assist with warmth to help plants go during photosynthesis.

grow lights

Moisture Sensor Meter

When determining to water a plant, many of us go off of feeling or touching the soil’s surface layer, but this can be deceiving. It is very likely the topsoil will be dry yet; the soil below has retained quite a bit of moisture, and this misunderstanding could lead to overwatering.

A good rule of thumb to check a soil’s moisture level is to insert a finger about 2 inches beneath the surface and see if it is wet. However, even that is difficult for some people. If you happen to be one of those people that want the easiest no-fail route possible, then try a moisture sensor meter. All you have to do is place its tips down as far as it can go. It will give you an insight into the water quantity of the solid beneath the topsoil, which will help you make a better judgment.

Basic Indoor Gardening Tools: Pots or Containers

It isn’t uncommon to come across the sudden moment when you need to repot a plant, and it would always come in handy to have a couple of spare pots on hand before such an occasion.

Think, if your plant happens to get waterlogged and you want to remedy the situation quickly, all you need to do is carefully take the plant out of the pot with some of the soil, not much, then place it in the new pot mixed with fresh potting mix. Sounds a lot easier just to grab an extra pot you have on hand instead of stressing not to forget to pick up a new container the next trip to town.

Pebbly Tray

Plants need water in the air surrounding them, just as much as they need water in the soil. Sometimes on hot days, this may not always be possible. That’s why we recommend pebble trays as indoor gardening tools. They are key indoor gardening tools because they are specifically for indoor plants. Simply place the tray underneath the plant, fill it with pebbles (they come in different colors, so pick your favorite), and then add water midway up the stones. This incredibly simple process will add humidity to the air around the plant, thus giving it the moist air, it needs to survive.

Must-Have Indoor Gardening Tools: Pruning Scissor

Even indoor plants grow large, and sometimes they need to be trimmed down to size. This is to help keep their integrity and prevent them from becoming extra leggy and overwhelming. Having a good set of pruning scissors can help fix that problem.

Grab a nice sharp set of pruning scissors because you want to make sure the cuts are precise and trim away at the dead or overgrown leaves. You should also apply alcohol to the scissors before each series of cuts to sterilize the blades and ensure you are not transferring any harmful fungi, etc. If pruning shears are not your thing, they also make pruning gloves; they are gloves you wear with sharp points on the two fingers to help easily remove necessary spots from the plants.

Planting Stick

If you wish to have your plant grow tall and large, a planting stick is a great indoor gardening tool. There are different types of rods for different types of plants; make sure to pick the one that best applies to your plant type. Firmly place the stick within the soil, adding a little extra at its base, then the plant (as long as it is growing toward the light) will wrap around the post and continue to prosper.


Fertilizer is essential to ensure that your plant grows and thrives in an indoor environment. Indoor plants have the unfortunate circumstance of quickly depleting their soil nutrients, so fertilizer helps reinvigorate it. Again, this is another case-by-case study. Not all fertilizers work with all plants; choosing which best works for your plants is crucial. Having a few extra bags of fertilizer on hand for when needed will help keep your plants healthy and add a layer of protection against pests.

Keep in mind that many potting mixes come with fertilizer already mixed in; be careful not to over-fertilize.

All you need to do is mix the fertilizer with the current soil or use it in a new pot when replanting.


Small Shovel


A small shovel indoor gardening tool is a huge asset when gardening indoors. Shovels can help with repotting, mixing soils, and more. With its spoon-like appearance, you can move soil in and out of the planter without causing harm. Like a spoon with cereal, simply scoops out the solid you wish to replace or carefully scoop out the plant. If used for repotting plants, make sure not to damage the root system so they can continue to thrive in the next pot. Shovels should be at the top of your indoor gardening tools shopping list because you will almost always need one to assist.

Optional Indoor Gardening Tools: Gardening Gloves

Gardening gloves may seem straightforward, and they are, having gardening gloves on when working with plants and soil can help protect your hands, nails, the plants, and the soil. While optional, we recommend you always have a couple of pairs on hand when needed.


Indoor Gardening Tools – The Wrap-up

Indoor gardening is a fun and rewarding escape from the real world and a hobby that you can see your work flourish. Do not make it difficult or stressful worrying about what indoor gardening tools you need or don’t need. This list is a good starting point, but as you gain more and more experience, you will learn what works best for you.

A plant stick is necessary to help larger plants or vining plants grow in an upward direction to help prevent leaning or falling over.

Plants can become leggy and need pruning when they have had excessive growth or if they have been stretching to try to reach the sun if they are not receiving the amount of sunlight they need.

Having fertilizer on hand makes the top 10 list because typically, a plant needs to be fertilized a few times a year, and that time can creep up on you quickly. Having it available when needed can help prevent any last-minute rush shopping.

You should always have a watering can, gloves, and a small shovel if nothing else.

The 10 recommended gardening tools for indoor gardening are watering cans, grow lights, a moisture sensor, extra containers, extra soil, gloves, shovel, plant poles, fertilizer, and pebble trays.

Published at Mon, 14 Mar 2022 14:36:39 -0700

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