7 Best Plants For Bathrooms

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Bathrooms can be a little bit of a tricky place for plants simply because a lot of bathrooms have very little light. They also can have severe fluctuations in their temperatures. Sometimes they’re very hot sometimes they’re very cold. Another problem with bathrooms is that they can get very very high humidity or they can have a low humidity if they’re not used very much. So finding a plant that’s going to work in all these different types of environments can be a little bit tricky but don’t worry we have 7 different ones for you today!!



Generally, there are a lot of different kinds of ferns out there that would be fantastic in these types of situations. One that comes to mind first though is a Staghorn Fern. If you have a very brightly lit area then a Staghorn Fern is gonna be fantastic for you! Another one that comes to mind is Rabbit’s, Foot Fern. They don’t need very much lighted all though they would enjoy more light if you can give it to them. They don’t need a lot of attention and they don’t need that super high humidity. It can be a little bit cooler or a little bit warmer and it will be ok.

Please note that definitely for any houseplant don’t let it drop below 50゚ if you don’t have to. Most plants are not going to enjoy that.

 A Boston Fern would work as well and make an amazing statement piece! They are very big fluffy ferns and they grow very large. It is pretty amazing to sit there and watch them unfurl. They really do enjoy the ambient humidity that is made by people taking showers and baths and just doing their daily routines in a bathroom.

These ferns can do well with better light. Like all plants, more light is better when indoors. Do not ever set a plant in a very dark room either even if they are labeled low light. At least have a grow light installed in your light fixture.

 There are a lot of different ferns out there that will meet these needs and these requirements for you. They are definitely worth exploring and trying different ones they also come in a variety of different sizes. You can place them small on your bathtubs or you can get a very big large one and hang it on the wall. They can also go on top of the cupboards and kind of drape down. They are amazing plants and the aesthetic is just really nice looking.

Bella Palm

Bella Palm

Bella’s palms are very thin stemmed plants. They can get very big. they don’t require a lot of water. When they dry out though they do want water right away and they want a really good soaking of it. They are OK in cooler temperatures but prefer to be a little bit warmer.

Also, they make great bathroom plants because there are one of the very few Palms out there that do not need a lot of light. They can use a lot of light and will grow much more quickly if they have it but if they have a little bit of a lower light or just a grow light in there with them they would still be fine. They are also really great for putting around the tub if you have a bigger bathtub and any kind of spa type of situation they would do really well in.

Spider Plants

Spider Plants

Spider plants look amazing in a bathroom! They are these big beautiful cascading grass-like foliage. They can have pointed leaf tips but if they get a little crispy because it is not a higher humidity you can snip those little crispy tips off. This is great for bathrooms that are not used very often.

They really don’t need to be watered very often either. A bathroom is a place that most people tend to go in to do their business and leave. It is not generally someplace that people spend a lot of time just looking around so plants tend to be neglected when they’re in the bathroom.

A Spider Plant is definitely one that wants to be left alone. With its thick tubers it’ll soak up a lot of water and it’ll be good to go for sometimes weeks at a time depending on how great the humidity in your bathroom is.



Ivy looks beautiful cascading off of shelves and corners and cabinets. Draping around mirrors and windows. They are just a really beautiful timeless classic plant to put in a bathroom and they can do really well without having very much light.

 They are actually very invasive when they have a lot of light. If you keep them in a lower light area they will not grow as fast and they won’t be as invasive.  The one caveat with ivy though is beautiful as it is, if it dries out too much and too often… it can be prone to spider mites.

One of the ways to get rid of spider mites and keep them away; is to just put them in your bathtub. Run it under the shower every few weeks or so clean all the dust and debris off. That should prevent any spider mites and the plant will look amazing.

 They are again one of those plants that don’t require a lot of maintenance, a lot of light, or a lot of care. They will grow for you they grow and grow and grow. It is so beautiful and we cannot recommend it enough.



Draceana includes Lucky Bamboo, Snake Plants, and various Draceana such as Draceana marginata. There are a lot of different types of Draceana out there. A lot of them would like to have a higher light so if you have a bathroom with a window they would love to be right up against that window.

However, if you don’t have a bathroom with a window they can handle that lower light. Lucky bamboo and snake plants are the two types of Draceana that can handle that lower light for you and they’ll be more slow-growing. So, you don’t have to worry about them expanding too much and too fast.

You will not have to repot them on a regular. They are very low-maintenance plants. They can also handle those fluctuating temperatures we talked about earlier.

Philodendron Hederaceum

Philodendron Hederaceum

Known as the Heartleaf Philodendron is classic because it survives everything. It does need a little bit more water than any of the other plants that we have mentioned before. It does handle neglect really well though and will perk right back up once it’s dried out and you give it some more water.  They have these beautiful heart-shaped leaves that come in a variety of colors. This one in particular that does better in the lower light is actually the all-green Philodendron Hederaceum.

They have varieties such as the Brazil and Silver Stripe out there. Cream Splash I believe is another one. Even though the others are beautiful and tempting, they will need a much higher light. The most low-light tolerant one is definitely the all-green heartleaf.

It is just a beautiful plant as it cascades down or you can have it climbing up if you prefer. Whatever works best for you. Even just hanging from a window or hanging off of a shelf looks gorgeous.

Epipremnum Aureum( Golden Pothos)

Epipremnum Aureum( Golden Pothos)

 This is another plant that just no matter what you do to it seems to always make it. Down in Florida, they have actually been considered an invasive weed because they keep growing. No matter how much you chop them or how much you cut them back;  they just always keep growing and they do the same thing in our bathrooms!

 The Foliage is beautiful! They get these huge gorgeous lush heart-shaped leaves. They do have yellow variegation and sometimes white variegation running through them. It gives a beautiful marbling effect. They also grow these big beautiful leaves and they have thick stems. They will climb up things too so if you wanted to have a vine going up around your bathroom mirror or if you wanted to have the kind of cascading and draping down over your bathtub these are fantastic plants to do that with.

They like to dry out and then once they dry out you’ll feel the leaves are getting a little bit thinner and not as perky. You will see them droop a little bit and then that is when you give them a lot of water.

It doesn’t have to be filtered. It doesn’t have to be anything too crazy because they are not picky. Just give them some tap water from the sink or from your bathtub. For most of these plants if you’re watering them you can just put them in the bathtub with some cool water and let them soak it up and then put them back in their places. Very easy care.

Bathrooms are one of the best places to keep plants. They can be fantastic for tropical greenery. It can be a little bit tricky to determine which plants can work but hopefully, this list helps you choose your plants and gave you a little bit of inspiration to fill up some of those spaces with a bit of natural green.

Published at Mon, 16 May 2022 07:25:11 -0700

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